Who’s who?

This “Who’s Who” section identifies the characters in the Scriptures.

Today’s religions have lost the true identity of those in scripture.

It’s not a mystery if you know the history.

Use the drop down arrow in the menu to the right (Who’s Who     V ) to open up the menu.


The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882 – ebook (Rev. Joseph Wild)

Are the Welsh the lost ten tribes of Israel? – historians Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett (archive.org)

Was Jesus a Celt? – article

Paul and Joseph of Arimathea – Missionary to the ‘Gentiles’ – Sheldon Emry – booklet

The Ephraim-Scepter Heresy – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 (Emahiser)

WHERE are the Kings of JUDAH Today!? – 16 min vid (TruthVids.net)

Descendants of Abraham Part IV: Sons of Keturah – article

Old Jerusalem is Not the New JerUSAlem – pdf. article (Sheldon Emry)

WOMEN in the Bible

Far Above Rubies: Isabel Hill Elder - online book (Who the women of the Bible were)

Christian America Ministries - Matthew Dyer
Was Ruth an Israelite? Pt 1 - 2 - 3 - sermons
Discussion Concerning Ruth's Identity w/ Paul Maitrejean - 1hr
What about Rahab? Matt 1:5 - 38 min

Arnold Kennedy
Ruth was an Israelite - pdf.

Charles Jennings
Whom Did Moses Marry? - 25 min

Eli James 2SL
Moses Did Not Marry Outside His Race - article
The Parable of Ruth - article

Bertrand Comparet 2SL
Whom Did Moses Marry? - article

Wesley Swift 2SL
Women of the Bible - article

Clifton Emahiser 2SL
Three Notable Biblical Women Misrepresented by the Clergy! - article

The Noble Lineage of Jesus Christ – ROBERT SEPEHR – 59 min

Paul and Joseph of Arimathea – Missionary to the ‘Gentiles’ – Sheldon Emry – booklet

Who was Judah’s Wife? – 28 min (Jennings)

The Process By Which Edomites and Canaanites Became Judahites – article (Emahiser)

What about Simon the Canaanite? Matthew 10:4 – 9 min (CAM)

Was Simon of Cyrene a Black Man? – 21 min (CAM)

In Defense of Josephus – Emahiser (Watchman’s Teaching Letter #79 November 2004) – #80

Gog and Magog links – shows on EFR

Other Preachers on WHO the Israelites ARE – pdf./articles/sermons/links

IDENTITY OF THE 'LOST TRIBES' - 1 minute video Shorts

Did the 12 Tribes of Israel Disappear? - 43 sec

How the 12 Tribes Migrated to Europe - 58 sec

The Danaan Greeks were part of the 12 Tribes - 59 sec

The Trojans were part of the 12 Tribes - 59 sec

The Phoenicians were part of the 12 Tribes - 59 sec

The Spartans and Macedonians were part of the 12 Tribes - 59 sec

European places named in the Hebrew Language - 59 sec

The Romans were part of the 12 Tribes - 59 sec

The Parthians were part of the 12 Tribes - 59 sec

Paul and the Apostles believed the Europeans were the 12 Tribes - 59 sec

Christianity (New Covenant) is only for the Europeans - 59 sec

The Europeans are the 12 Tribes and Christian people - 59 sec