Brother Hebert Separate & Segregated - 16 episode seriesArnold Kennedy The Exclusiveness of Israel in the Old Testament - pdf 7pgs The Exclusiveness of Israel in the New Testament - pdf 14pgs The Exclusiveness of Israel - pdf FULL EXAMINATION The Misuse of the Words- 'All' 'Every' 'Whosoever' etc - pdf The Heirs of Jacob - Israel - pdf The Regathering of Israel, as in the OT - article The Regathering of Israel, as in the NT - article Sheldon Emry Israel, A Separate People - sermon The New Testament and Israel Pt 1 - 2 - 3 - sermon - showing the role of Israel in the N.T. and how the N.T. was written to Israelites in the dispersion. Col Jack Mohr The Exclusiveness of Israel - pdf Christian America Ministries - Matthew Dyer Anglo-Israel Messengers: A Brief History of Those Who Have Believed in Anglo-Israel - YouTube video of his book - backup link - Bitchute ...more coming