LATEST Studies and Presentations

Coming in April - New Series - Devil/Satan/Serpent 

2025 Calendar is ready!

Did you know that the history, divorce/punishment, and migrations of our Israelite ancestors and their temporary God-given Amnesia is a result of disobedience? 
Did you know that the Old Folklore Children's Stories (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Hansel & Gretel, Jack & the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and Rose Red, The 12 Brothers, The Enchanted Stag, the Frog King, and the 7 Ravens) are based on these facts and Biblical prophecies? 
I designed this years calendar to go along with audio readings for fun and learning. Instructions are on the back page, but below are the links. I recommend pulling these up on your TV if you can, the playlist link in one tab and the link to the pdf. of the calendar in another tab, so that you can enjoy the calendar fully as you follow along with a story that coincides with the month and pictures (some may need two devices to do this). I put A LOT of detail into this and I tried to design the pages to enhance the story, the message, the pictures, and the biblical verses, to make learning fun. The videos are great. They explain prophecy and migration and nation building and the deeper meanings of Scripture and how these stories relate to our people, and their travels from Canaan to the wilderness of Europe, and ultimately regathered here in America (Canada, Australia, South Africa, and other Anglo nations too of course!). These calendars are teaching tools, so make a night of fellowship with friends and family, and the kids. Each video is only about 15mins to 30mins. Do one a month. The first two pages/months are an introduction. I wanted to first establish the covenants (first page) and then the Assyrian and Babylonian deportations, from which our ancestors then migrated all over the Greco-Roman world, and into the wilderness of Europe, the British Isles, and America. 
Begin the Snow White video with the month of May. 
Snow White - audio reading 
This link is the calendar (best seen on large screen) 
2025 Calendar - pdf. Free to print and share. 
Sorry I'm already out of hard copies. *I can get more printed if an order is large enough. 

CAM 2-day Online Bible Conference 12/24. 4 Streams- Over 13hrs of Kingdom Identity pastors coming together to reveal Who is True Israel?
(Click Who's Who)

Other Preachers on WHO the Israelites ARE - links

Jesus IS God
Exclusiveness of Israelites 
12 Tribes Migration History 
Women in the Bible (click Who's Who) 
100 Proofs Israelites are White (in Who's Who menu) 
Other Preachers on The Jews (in Who's Who menu) 

2024 Calendar - Who are the Strangers in the Bible? - pdf.

Separate & Segregated - 16 part series - Part 15 Old Testament Series Summary - Part 16 New Testament Series Summary

STRANGERS - 10 part series - Part 11 is a Summary

MILLENNIALISM - 10 part series - Part 11 is a Summary (Reader's Digest version-last 12 pages)

WHAT WAS 'DONE AWAY WITH'? - 45 part series on the law - Part 45 is a Summary (Reader's Digest version-pdf.)


This website is a challenge to YOU!

2Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

33,000 denominations of so-called Christianity, not one of them is Christianity. They are all versions of the original, but not the original. Christianity is not a religion. 

The end is near. We have become apostate. False doctrine is everywhere. There must be an awakening and a place to jump start this awakening. HalleluYah, you’ve found it! Or rather, the Father has led you to it to spark the Divine influence in you. You will not get closer to the truth than the information on this site, and you may not get another chance either. The choice is up to you. 

It is OK if you are unlearned, a simple person, or maybe even deceived. There must always be a breakdown before one can have a breakthrough.

We don’t have much time left, “that day” is fast approaching, so the time is NOW.


Here’s a little recap of the last 400 years, and where we are now.

Sardis (1500’s-1700’s AD) is the 5th “church” age in which the Reformation started and Christianity explodes all over the world, Bible’s were then printed and mass-produced, and the regathering of the tribes of Jacob here in America was taking place, as prophesied.

The next “church” age, of Philadelphia, is represented by the stage of Christianity in the years of the 1700’s-1850 AD. Philadelphia means brotherly love.

Greek: philos (love) -adelphos (brother, from the womb, same race, peoples, tribe, Adamic Anglo-Saxon kinship). 

We now find ourselves in the 7th and last age before our Kinsman Redeemer returns. This age is the Age of Laodicea, the last of the “church” ages described in Revelation. It represents the “church” of our own time. The state of “religion”.

It is described as a time when men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unholy, luke warm, lacking true knowledge, etc.

Laodikeia is literally “righteous people”, from the Greek words laos and dikaiosDikaios was understood in the Greek mind as being that which is deemed righteous by man, as opposed to another Greek word, hosios, which denoted that which was deemed righteous by the gods, or rather by God.

Revelation 3:16  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth.

We all have our set beliefs. Some of us were raised to believe a certain way, others just follow the crowd or simply just don’t even care.

Time is short. Our King’s return is imminent. Do you know who you are and Whose you are? It matters what and Who we believe in. But do we believe in the truth? Just because someone believes in something doesn’t make that belief a fact, or even true.

The scriptures are not to be conformed to our interpretation, rather we must conform to the true scriptures. Not to one of the 33,000 versions of it. 

Christianity in the Old Testament was called THE WAY


There is no difference between the Old Testament and the New (the only thing different is that the priesthood and sacrificial rituals expired when The Christ died). The Bible is written by, to, for and about the children of Adam. The people of the OT are the same racial family and people in the NT. The theme does not change. The Covenants and Promises were made to the children of Jacob. It is one book about the man Adam (by definition), with the Spirit of Elohiym (God) breathed into him, our forefather of the flesh, down through Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the sons of Jacob/Israel, and their children, who today are the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic, Nordic and Celtic Caucasian children of the Most High.

Christianity is not our “religion”. The denominations are religions.

Christianity is THE WAY of our race. It is our history, heritage and guide.

The “churches” today do not teach Christianity. They teach Judeo-Christianity or some other ‘faith’. NOT THE SAME THING!

Before you shut down, leave this site, and go away mad or offended, please, just don’t go away. Simmer down now, browse the work presented on this site, make it a point to read at least 3 studies, and see if God will pour out a blessing of discernment upon you, that you will know if the knowledge you have is the truth or the counterfeit.

Your “church” may be great, and your preacher a great guy, but if the message is based on a Judeo foundation, or any other ‘doctrine of men’, you are in trouble! Who do you think Christ is talking to here? 

Matthew 7:22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name have cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works? 
7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity. 
7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.

You might not even know if what you believe is a total lie. If it were, wouldn’t you want to know? Wouldn’t you want to make an educated choice by examining some other sources? 

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:...

It’s time, for once in your life, to take a serious look at what scripture says, rather than what the ‘churches’ teach, or what society will have you believe. 

Do not think you can enter the kingdom as an unlearned, unproven, “just believer”.

Remember the foolish virgins?

God wants you to pass the test, He wants you to learn His Word, your heritage, and your duty. Not to claim your ‘saved’ already and not worry about the law anymore. Why do so many ‘Christians’ who have gone to ‘church’ all their lives not know anything about scripture? All they basically know is God is Love, Accept Jesus, His Grace is Sufficient, Just Believe, and that they are ‘saved’. It’s sad, and it’s true, but they know NOTHING!

He wants you to have knowledge and understanding, obedience, and allegiance (faith, loyalty) to Him, to show brotherly love, and to seek first the Kingdom of God. Seek it, not ‘just believe’ it. Know it, and show it by living it. There is more to being a Christian than just being a ‘good person’ and ‘going to church’. 

John 14:15 If ye love Me, keep My commandments. 

Psalm 31:23 O love Yahweh, all ye His saints: for Yahweh preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. 

Romans 2:13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. 

James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 

He wants DOERS. He wants those with zeal and passion for truth.


The truth is always controversial.

Enjoy, may Yahweh Bless You, and WAKE UP!